This book guides the reader on how to meditate, pray and investigate in a simple, easy and direct way. Willy emphasizes that it is not necessary to spend years in a temple to learn these spiritual practices, they are available to us here and now. Meditation is returning home and discovering that you have never actually left. This is the end of suffering and the beginning of the life you have always deserved, a happy, full and peaceful life. Meditating is our true state. We don't need to try to meditate, just realize that meditation is already perfectly natural.
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“It is precisely through meditation, investigation and silence that we can immediately recognize the truth, and then heal the separations created by the ego in our mind. No matter who you are, what you do with your life or what you have already done, there is no distance between you and you, between you and meditation, between you and what is most divine. ”
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“After awakening, our life will never be the same again, after we open our eyes there is no longer an opportunity to close. We may suddenly become unconscious, but we will never forget the truth that we are. ”
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“It's wonderful to know that we don't have to die to experience the Kingdom of Heaven. As long as we are looking outside ourselves for salvation we will remain lost. When we look inside, we realize that everything we need is already there. There is no longer any need to escape or to hide. All the strength, light and courage necessary for an enlightened life already exists in our Being. ''
The wise guru Nisargadatta Maharaj expressed wonderfully:
“As long as you are a beginner, some formal meditations and prayers may be useful to you. But for a reality seeker there is only one meditation - the strict refusal to give shelter to thoughts. To be free of thoughts, in itself, is meditation. You start by letting your thoughts flow and watching them. Observation itself slows down the mind, until it stops completely. When the mind is quiet, make it quiet. Don't get bored with peace, get in there, go deeper ”
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To meditate is to return to the simple, the banal, the common, the original, the ordinary and natural. In true meditation, what we are doing is giving up all forms of control and manipulation, because that is exactly what makes us suffer and become stagnant and tense. With this abandonment of control, we enter a natural state of being in complete acceptance of things as they are, and this brings peace in the heart and in life.
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Meditation invites us to enter a state of flow with the already existing flow of life. Most of us don't know how chaotic, uncontrolled and clumsy our mind is until we sit in silence to watch it.
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When we look at our mind and recognize consciousness itself manifesting, we enter a deeper and more real state of reality. This is a dimension of light and truth, for it is in complete union with true life. This is meditation, a return to what we truly are in order to live the true life. It is goodbye to the old beliefs, preferences, ideologies, egoic likes and dislikes. It is a state beyond all states. It is not a new state, but the state before all states, the original, the natural, the absolute. Leave the thought where it belongs, that is, in itself. Don't deny it or encourage it, just don't do anything. Nothing is necessary, this is what is so simple, but difficult to understand, as there is no need to do anything. Everything happens naturally when we allow it, because when we leave thoughts and emotions in their own existence, they do not affect us. Try bringing this silent meditation into your daily life