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We don't live this life just for ourselves. But for the whole. Our awakening is the awakening of humanity. We are all here for the greater good of all beings. ~ Willy

Sangha is a term that comes from the sanskrit and that means '' community ''. Here, we all form a Sangha, from the first person to participate until the last. The sangha is a place with doors always open, both to leave and to enter. It is like the '' grandmother's house '', where we feel welcomed, with delicious food and warm embraces from grandma.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Satsang is a place to meet, to allow yourself, to let go. The goal is not so much to learn, but to unlearn. Unlearning control, expectation, pain, judgment.

Even when we are not participating in a retreat, or a satsang, the path continues to be followed in our daily lives, through our relationships, interactions and actions. Just because someone stops going to meetings, does not mean that her path is over, she continues to experience satsang outside satsang.

We are a family owned and operated business.

All the teachings must be lived, through a place of spontaneity and naturalness, when the teachings are only in words, on paper and in books, they end up dying in a future that never comes.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The beauty of Sangha and Satsangs is that we can be among friends who have intentions similar to ours. Find yourself, heal, be reborn.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Just as we have a faculty to learn certain contents, a gym to work out the body, we could say that satsangs is one of the places to take care of the spirit. Here, we don't waste time, nor go too fast, but we go hand in hand with life, allowing it to guide with each step we take together.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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